Thursday, 6 January 2011

Rain rain go away

Oh boy was today tough. It was raining hard most of the day so, after seeing that the forecast offered some hope for the early evening, I held out and sure enough a less wet spell appeared. Heading out into the night felt great, especially as I was sticking to running every day. The first half of the run was uneventful, and I felt really good going up and down hills. In fact until the 3 mile point I was considering going further, but decided against it as I didn't want to miss my tea! Unfortunately just then I hit a horrible patch - I felt rubbish, like I was struggling with the run and contemplating stopping - I couldn't even race downhill like I usually do! I don't know why, perhaps it was just jumping straight into it without having got back to where I was, perhaps I had too much going round in my head (scout meeting, job applications, how good tea was gonna taste... you know, important things) when usually I kind of zone out, but whatever it was, it made half of the last mile really tough. But we got there in the end! The last, long, uphill stretch felt really good, so it was a nice feeling to have beaten that run.

4.17 miles
Conditions: pretty wet
Mood: Relieved

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