First time I’ve been out in a while and it showed. It wasn’t for speed or distance or anything, just trying to get back out there and putting down some miles. Since this was probably only the fourth time I’ve been out in about a month I made the mistake of setting off too fast, all the while having to try and adjust to running with the snow and ice. That double whammy meant by the time I’d got to the top of the first hill I was feeling some cramp. I suppose another reason I struggled a bit is that I wasn’t out with either of my usual running buddies, famed elite athlete (and renowned ladies man) Big Bird, or my point-main O’John (a bit of a running hero), who usually keep me going. More on them later.
I slowed down a bit and felt a lot better, but I hadn’t come out just for a pleasure run: I wanted to do some intervals (sprint/jog/sprint/jog etc) since I was so out of shape. Intervals are a strange beast. Speaking to my cousin about marathon running I asked him whether he thought intervals were a good thing to do and he said some people swear by them, but he never did them. Basically his advice was “Do them if you like.” Not good advice; I’ve never in my life met anyone who likes doing intervals.
I’d gone up onto the grassy common to do them, since a) there are fewer people there and I don’t look as silly and b) I thought there would be less ice. Managed to get through it without slipping over and looking a wally in front of the watching dogs (and dog walkers). As I headed home I felt a lot better, and found a bit of stride when I got onto some cleared road. Bumped into some friends around the corner from home and we had a chat which was lovely. A fine end to what started out on a low, so all in all a good way to get back into it.
3.7 miles
Weather: Cold, snow, ice, wind
Mood: Content
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